Thursday, October 23, 2008

Iraq's Labor Minister Survives Suicide Car Bomb- this is very scary! Here i am trying to write something not about the election and this issue comes up and scares the living life out of me. I don't have much say on what goes on in the election but this makes me wonder... What happens if the troops get pulled out of Iraq? Will we have killed all tons people in Iraq and our own for no real reason? Do the people behind all of this think that if we do take them out that all of this is just going to disappear? Here we have a man who killed 11 others and wounding 22 just to defend his own country! i would want people to put themselves in his shoes. Here we are talking crap about how Iraq and the people don't deserve a chance and shouldn't be able to have nice things, peace, and better yet freedom.Why would they give us our peace and freedom if we wont give them theirs? What would you feel like if you saw your wife,husband, family, let alone children get blown up into pieces for being in that place at the wrong time. Now i know that we do have OUR soldiers fighting and dieing for us, but guess what we did not tell them to go risk your life for something you do not want to do. That was there choice. I am not going to sit here and hate on any one i just really want people to put themselves in the others persons shoes and really think about the question... What does war really solve? And if war is the answer to fixing everything then why hasn't it yet to stop?

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