Monday, September 29, 2008

"Obama, McCain swing and miss''-by:Press TV
This whole political debate is so out of its league. I so think that but the rate that we are going we wont have a nation to run or a country to even lead. Our whole economy is going to crash because financially we already have. Just think years from now what else is going to crash. Are we gonna loose our countries to others countries? Are we going to know longer have rights or the law? Are we no longer going to be a free nation? These are the things that we should be worrying about... We should not be worrying about if so and so are cool or whatever the concerns may be. We need to worry about who has what we need to run and build back up our nation. Also who can keep there word and follow through with what they say they are going to do. The point is , is that we do not need to a leader we need a person to get us back on our feet and provide a stable ground for all of us to stand on.

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