Tuesday, September 30, 2008

'' Your Probably Not Going to Believe This''- David Warlick
They actually made real dolls out of the the candidates for president! Here we are sitting around complaining about the money shortage and yet we seem to be more concerned about the war against too big heads who need to shape up. I know this whole thing is important but why would they sit there and say well we are in shortage of supplies or that we do not have the market to produce the things that we need too make. But yet we have the time to make some stupid little big headed dolls that has absolutely no value or importance to us at all. If this is what we are going to be wasting our money on then we need to be quiet about the fact that we have no money. Its your fault for spending it and making priceless items such as that...

Monday, September 29, 2008

"Obama, McCain swing and miss''-by:Press TV
This whole political debate is so out of its league. I so think that but the rate that we are going we wont have a nation to run or a country to even lead. Our whole economy is going to crash because financially we already have. Just think years from now what else is going to crash. Are we gonna loose our countries to others countries? Are we going to know longer have rights or the law? Are we no longer going to be a free nation? These are the things that we should be worrying about... We should not be worrying about if so and so are cool or whatever the concerns may be. We need to worry about who has what we need to run and build back up our nation. Also who can keep there word and follow through with what they say they are going to do. The point is , is that we do not need to a leader we need a person to get us back on our feet and provide a stable ground for all of us to stand on.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

"John McCain seeks to postpone debate"- Politics are SO incredibly dirty... You have a man here saying that he wants to run this country but cant even show up to a debate which is the second most important thing of the whole election. How can we have a president who wants too put things on hold because they don't fit in with his schedule. It was already planned ahead of time and he knew better. Do you really want a president who cant keep his word and then doesn't immediately go to where he said he was going? If i were in the election i would make sure that i have set my priorites straight and actually get them done... I would ask yourself do you want a man who now showed his true colors and how un organized he is for president? Or do you want someone who keeps his word like he is suppose too? Its all in the hands of you , vote and make a change.~Los Angeles Times Staff Writer September 25, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

"Things to Come"-I completey agree this persons thinking structure. I do agree that we have the ability to think about what we see coming in the future with out actually being there. I think that if we were to priortize our goals and acommplishments in life that we can control the future. It all lies in the hands of the beliver and the ones who dont belive. Its almolst scary in a type of way knowing were your headed or going to be headed. The main idea is all about making the right choices, choosing the right paths, and becoming who and showing your true colors.

~Timara Rainey
"China Widens Milk Probe as 3rd Baby Dies" - a couple of days ago i had read about only two babies dieing in china from the fromula that has been released with a toxic substance that is used to make plastic and fertalizer. This makes me really sad because i do have three little baby siblings and even though they get on my nerves i couldn't imagine my life without them. It is so sad knowing that there are thousands upon hundreds of babys innfected with this nasty sickness and there will be more and more possibly dieing and getting kidney stones. I just really am concernd about this promblem all the way around. We get most manufacturing items from china and the fact that it is in the formula, they dont know where it is coming from, and the meer fact is what if it comes to the US what will happen then? The main idea is that I hate seeing this happen to any one and i honestly am hoping and praying that things get better for them...

~Timara Rainey

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Jordan Sparks doesnt regret promise ring remarks at the VMAs

The comment that she made at the VMAs about the promise rings i think was actually good of her to take a stand about what was said about them. She had every right to defend the stereo type that Brand had said about them. And in the end they made up and were cool about everything but the fact that he even said anything in the first place about someones chosen choice is out of limits. no body has crashed him down for anything religious or in any matter of that. It upset me because that is almost a put down for people who do wear them. I think that maybe most people are a little self concious already about thenm and i may be wrong, but seriously when he did that it was almost as he was going to put someone down to raise himself up and that is not how i role. All i have to say about Brand is to be a man and shut his mouth if he cant stick to what he really means, and by that i mean if he changes how he is or what he says just because he knew that it would offend someone then he shouldnt have said it in the fvrist place. I am proud that Jordan stood up for herself and let Brand know that she is not gonna let him walk all over people, so wait to stand up Jordan!!!